Our Projects

Strengthening Democracy

(Prime Contractor: Deloitte)

State-owned Enterprises Reform Activity (Ukraine)

  • In collaboration with Deloitte and Nickol Global Solutions, EDF experts provided strategic communications support to the State-owned Enterprises Reform Activity (SOERA) in Ukraine. State-owned Enterprise (SOE) reform is meant to help the Ukrainian government and other stakeholders plan and advance critical reforms in the country's SOEs while objectively quantifying and measuring progress toward the activity's five work streams.

SOE reform will strengthen the Ukrainian state's role and capacity as an informed and active owner of its SOEs, increasing their effectiveness, service quality, governance, transparency, and accountability. It will also improve SOE governance and advance SOE privatization, where appropriate. These objectives will help reduce opportunities for corruption, political meddling, and graft in the SOE sector at the top level; increase private sector participation, and stimulate economic growth.

EDF senior staff are developing a communications strategy and implementation plan to effectively convey SOERA's value proposition and approach to stakeholders, including (but not limited to) Ukrainian ministries and government agencies, development partners, USG agencies, USAID-funded projects, non-government organizations, civil society organizations, and the general public.

EDF Consulting
Democracy Strengthening Program

Democracy Strengthening Program (El Salvador)

(Prime Contractor: Casals & Associates) 

  • As part of the USAID Democracy Strengthening Program, EDF provided strategic communications support to project stakeholders such as the Government Ethics Tribunal (TEG); U.S. Embassy Office of Public Affairs; Department of Strategic Affairs' Office of Transparency and Office of State Modernization; Office of the Attorney General; Ministry of Foreign Relations; Justice Sector's Technical Unit; and the Prosecutor's Office. As part of this, EDF conducted capacity-building training for the TEG and other government agencies and civil society organizations involved in the program.

EDF also helped foster Public-Private Partnerships, providing capacity-building workshops to the Association for Private Enterprise to share techniques and best practices on how the private sector can effectively engage in the fight against corruption. Additionally, EDF developed a custom-tailored Media Management Guidelines Manual and Spokesperson Guidelines Manual to help extend the program's utility beyond the project's life.

EDF Consulting

Anti-corruption and Transparency

Transparency and Integrity Program (Guatemala)

(Prime Contractor: TetraTech)

  • During the USAID Transparency and Integrity Project, EDF conducted a communication capabilities assessment and designed a tailored project communications strategy and implementation plan. To accomplish this, the EDF team worked with local governments and civil society organizations, assisting vulnerable populations, including minorities, indigenous groups, women, youth, and children. Through these efforts, EDF helped strengthen the internal and external communication capabilities of many local institutions, enabling them to respond to their constituencies and promote their own development agendas.

Mobilizing Action Against Corruption Activity (Armenia)

(Prime Contractor: Casals & Associates)

  • EDF worked with the USAID Mobilizing Action Against Corruption Activity to assist the Anti-corruption Strategy Implementation Monitoring Commission, Government of Armenia (GOAM), and various civil society organizations in designing and implementing internal and external communication strategies. These strategies were composed of tailored activities aimed at both informing the Armenian citizenry about anti-corruption initiatives, as well as engaging it in the fight against corruption.

EDF also designed a comprehensive public outreach strategy for the Advocacy and Assistance Centers (AACs). These corruption complaint offices offered citizens who were victims of corrupt acts a place where they could receive free, confidential legal assistance. As part of the AAC initiative, EDF conducted several comprehensive anti-corruption communication and media training for the nation's officials who managed these centers' day-to-day operations, strengthening their media and public outreach capacities so they could better pursue their objectives.

Additionally, EDF designed and led training aimed to improve journalists' knowledge of societal corruption, educating them not only on this issue and its effects on society but also providing them with investigative techniques they could use in their daily work.

Team Members
EDF Consulting

Multi-partner Technical Assistance and Training Program (Nicaragua)

(Prime Contractor: World Learning) 

  • EDF collaborated on the USAID Multi-partner Technical Assistance and Training Program, which increased the communication capacities of a variety of local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in different municipalities throughout Nicaragua. EDF provided capacity-building training to more than 20 NGOs in a broad range of communication areas, including media outreach, communications strategy development, crisis communications, institutional materials development, social media management, effective website use, and internal communications. EDF also provided in-depth technical communications assistance to a wide variety of youth, women, and other civil society organizations from different municipalities.

Institutional Development and Training Program (Nicaragua)

(Prime Contractor: World Learning) 

  • In the USAID Institutional Development and Training Program, EDF provided technical assistance to strengthen the Foundation for Rural SocioeconomicDevelopment (Fundaciónpara el DesarrolloSocio Económico Rural, or FUNDESER) communication capabilities, both at their headquarters and municipal affiliates. To do this, EDF created a customized communications strategy that guided the organization during its period of recovery and solidification.

EDF also conducted a comprehensive communications assessment, working in various municipalities throughout the country. Based on the information gathered, EDF designed the organization's systems and procedures for effective communications, which had not previously existed.

In addition, EDF developed a communications manual; conducted a workshop to train trainers on the implementation of both the manual and the systems and procedures outlined therein; and developed a Performance Monitoring Plan to monitor and evaluate the strategy's implementation process. EDF also worked with FUNDESER's leadership and personnel at its headquarters and affiliates to help implement the strategy, ensuring the communication initiatives were effective, sustainable, and aligned with the organization's goals.

Rule of Law

Justice Reform and Modernization Program (Colombia)

(Prime Contractor: Florida International University)

  • EDF worked on the implementation of the USAID Justice Reform Modernization Program, where it designed and oversaw the program's communications strategy and provided support to its stakeholders. EDF ensured all individual communication activities were aligned with the overall objectives, particularly as they related to providing greater access to justice for vulnerable groups and helping establish trust in the justice system, especially in areas with violence and security risks.
  • EDF managed the development of the project's publications; managed and created content for the website; analyzed editorial coverage related to the justice sector; and provided technical support to the Communications & Outreach Office of the Superior Judicial Council. Furthermore, EDF worked with the Ministry of Justice, Superior Judicial Council, Offices of the Inspector General, and Ombudsman to assess their communication capabilities and develop a communications strategy for each institution. EDF also conducted workshops and training sessions with officials representing these public entities to establish the parameters of a communications approach for the entire judicial sector.

Additionally, EDF worked on outreach efforts around the opening of more than 50 Justice Houses, collaborating with national institutions and local authorities to carry out this initiative in highly vulnerable municipalities throughout the country. EDF also provided communications training to youth, women, a variety of ethnic groups, and many civil society organizations, empowering them to advocate for greater access to justice.

Modernization Programs
Logo On Wall

Criminal Justice System Strengthened Project (Dominican Republic)

(Prime Contractor: Chemonics) 

  • EDF provided strategic communications counsel to the USAID Criminal Justice System Strengthened Project to boost the communication capabilities of public sector institutions and civil society organizations. EDF carried out this work with government institutions such as the Supreme Court of Justice, Attorney General's Office, National Police, Public Ministry District Attorney's Office, and the National Office of Public Defense, as well as civil society organizations such as Citizen Participation (Transparency International's local chapter), the Justice and Institutionalist Foundation (leading justice sector NGO), Center for Orientation and Research (a nonprofit organization promoting the rights of vulnerable groups), and Patronage to Help Battered Women (PACAM – an NGO focused on preventing violence against women).

As part of this, EDF conducted capacity-building media and spokesperson training for national and district judges, Supreme Court officials, and the National Police chief of police. EDF also provided technical assistance in strategic communications to the Community Justice Houses (CJH) initiative; a project focused on providing access to justice for many disenfranchised sectors of the Dominican population. In addition, EDF held fundraising workshop sessions for several nonprofit entities, including PACAM and the CJH initiative.

Judicial Reform Project (Jordan)

(Prime Contractor: American Bar Association) 

  • Working with USAID and in collaboration with the American Bar Association on the Judicial Reform Project, EDF developed a strategy to raise awareness among the Jordanian public on the benefits of using legal mediation to solve their conflicts, thus alleviating the burden on the Jordanian legal system. Developed by EDF, the messaging in these communication initiatives highlighted how alternative dispute resolutions better-enabled judges to carry out their fundamental task of delivering justice to increase public satisfaction with the court system.

EDF's plan also sought to promote judicial ethics and accountability among Jordan's legal institutions and train journalists on the importance of legal mediation for Jordanian society.

Deadly Desert
EDF Consulting

Duteze Imbere Ubutabera (Let's Promote Justice) Activity (Rwanda)

(Prime Contractor: Chemonics) 

  • EDF collaborated with the USAID Duteze Imbere Ubutabera (Let's Promote Justice) Activity to increase access to justice and enhance the rule of law in Rwanda by improving judicial effectiveness in both formal court mechanisms and community justice institutions (Abunzi). Outreach efforts also aimed to improve public understanding of judicial system processes and legal rights.

EDF designed the DIU Activity's communications strategy, ensuring its alignment with the Ministry of Justice's sector strategy and priorities; supported the design of communication campaigns; and provided technical advice to the project and its stakeholders.

The work has also included conducting media training, public speaking training, social media training to help spokespeople effectively convey messages to target audiences, and technical support for a "know-your-rights" citizen awareness campaign to stimulate knowledge of and demand for justice services. This project focused on helping vulnerable populations, including women, youths, and people with disabilities.

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Threshold Program - Justice Strengthening Project (Rwanda)

(Prime Contractor: Chemonics) 

  • EDF provided senior counsel to the USAID-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Threshold Program - Justice Strengthening Project (JSP). Here, EDF provided technical communications support and counsel and assisted the JSP in creating its communications strategy and implementation plan.

To that end, EDF conducted meetings with a variety of Project stakeholders, gathering the necessary information and identifying key issues for the development of an integrated communications strategy. Additionally, EDF provided counsel and communications material samples to local JSP staff regarding USAID's and MCC's branding guidelines.

EDF also developed and presented proposed promotional activities to assist in the effective distribution of a project-related documentary film to the Rwandan citizenry and assisted the program in developing its institutional materials and Project talking points, which were used during events with media coverage.

EDF Consulting
Advertisement Board

Monitoring and Evaluation

Democratic Leadership Development Program (Nicaragua)

(Prime Contractor: TetraTech)

  • In collaboration with TetraTech, EDF experts conducted a mid-term evaluation of the Democratic Leadership Development Program (DLDP) implemented by the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Drawing on its governance expertise, EDF was responsible for assessing the project's overall results, effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability. The evaluation also identified lessons learned and provided strategic recommendations to USAID on future project design and implementation in the areas of electoral and civic education and support for inclusive and democratic political processes in Nicaragua.

Expanding Electoral and Civic Education Program (Nicaragua)

(Prime Contractor: TetraTech) 

  • In collaboration with TetraTech, EDF experts conducted a final evaluation of the Expanding Electoral and Civic Education Program implemented by the International Republican Institute (IRI) in Nicaragua. Drawing on its strategic communications expertise, EDF was responsible for evaluating the media and communications components of the project.

The main objective was to determine the project initiatives' reach, whether key messaging was successful and if they positively affected the level of citizen engagement and journalists' coverage of the elections as a result. The evaluation also assessed whether gender considerations were well articulated in the two projects' objectives, results, and activities; and whether beneficiaries of the projects adequately included both women and men.

Haiti Recovery Initiative (Haiti)

(Prime Contractor: TRG) 

  • EDF collaborated on the Haiti Recovery Initiative (HRI), a USAID/Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI)-a funded project designed to support short- and medium-term activities seeking to stabilize the country by supporting community revitalization, improving governance, and increasing citizen engagement.

EDF was pivotal in developing the HRI's Mid-Term Evaluation and Assessment Report, providing lessons learned on both the individual activity and program-wide levels, as well as its impact across the project. It also documented success stories to highlight lessons learned that could be applicable to other OTI programs.

EDF Consulting
Security Person on Road

Citizen Security

Latin America and the Caribbean Youth Violence Prevention (Central America)

(Prime Contractor: Democracy International)

EDF provided technical assistance to USAID's Latin America and the Caribbean Youth Violence Prevention (LAC-YVP) project, funded by USAID's Central America Security Initiative (CARSI). CARSI's overarching goal was to improve citizen security (defined as freedom from violence or the threat of violence in times of peace) in the region by addressing the root causes and triggers of violence through sustainable, cost-effective interventions that respected human rights. The LAC-YVP improved the capacity of USAID and its partners to successfully implement crime and violence prevention programming in the LAC region.

Transparency International (Eastern Europe, Eurasia, the Balkans, and Latin America) -

(Prime Contractor: EDF Consulting Inc.) 

  • EDF provided capacity-building communications and advocacy training to the Transparency International chapters in Slovenia, Georgia, Latvia, Ukraine, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala.
EDF Consulting

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Threshold Country Plan Stage - II (Paraguay)

(Prime Contractor: Casals & Associates) 

  • The USAID-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Threshold Country Plan Stage - II (TCP-II) sought to aid the Government of Paraguay (GOP) on the implementation of six project components aimed at reducing corruption and impunity. To that end, EDF conducted workshops with the project's counterparts and participating institutions, including the Prosecutor's Office, National Police, Supreme Court, Comptroller General's Office, Customs, and Ministry of Industry and Commerce, among others.

EDF designed and developed the project's internal and external communications strategy; developed a proposed methodology and information-gathering tool to conduct communications capability assessments of the project's participating government institutions, and provided ongoing technical assistance to the project's overall communication aspects.

World Bank Corporate Governance/Procurement Unit (Washington DC/Global)

(Prime Contractor: EDF Consulting Inc.) 

  • EDF developed an internal stakeholder development strategy for the World Bank Corporate Governance/Procurement Unit, which is responsible for the coordination and oversight of the sourcing strategy and transparent contract execution for goods, services, construction, and consulting services in over 150 offices around the world. This strategy was developed based on the assessment and analysis of information gathered during several rounds of meetings, interviews, surveys, and focus group discussions. To ensure effective implementation, EDF conducted an internal engagement capacity-building training session with unit leaders from various countries.
EDF Consulting